The Designers and the Team
Mamta Gupta and Vidhi Gupta are sisters, born and raised in Delhi. Neither of them studied jewelry design, and are self-trained fashion entrepreneurs. Mamta went to Sriram College of Commerce, getting her Bachelors in Economics, and thereafter Masters in Business Administration in Marketing and Branding at Rochester, USA. Upon graduating, she was awarded membership in the prestigious Beta Gamma Sigma International Honors Society, and was the chosen Valedictorian and Speaker. Vidhi Gupta did Bachelors in Finance in Kelly School of Business, Indiana University. She did stints in banking and commercial sector, before both the sisters joined forces in 2010 and launched Zariin.
Vidhi’s the Creative Director and the design backbone of the label, and Mamta is the Marketing and Global Sales Director.

Mamta's Top 10
*Single mom, of a rock star pre-teen boy. Love, love, love being a mom to him. 99% of the times.
* Hills, treks and camping beckon more often than I am able to oblige.
*If I weren’t a jewelry entrepreneur, I would be a writer or an educator or a singer, or all three.
* Ideal Sunday would have many hours of biking and brunch in the first half of the day, and lazy reading, coffee and cakes in the second half.
* I love to run and hang on the wall (you know those climbing and bouldering walls).
*Quality over quantity any day- things or people in life.
*Love road trips, the romance of the bucolic countryside and the kaleidoscopically changing landscapes.
* A true Saggittarian, could get in trouble for foot in the mouth, but so far people seem to cut me slack.
*Thank you People, you know who you are!** An eternal optimist, believe in the goodness of people
*Favourite quote: It’s what you do in the dark, that puts you in the light

Vidhi's Top 10
* True piscean to the core, I can spend hours day dreaming, but then the doer in me works hard to make them come true.
* I love LISTS. Asana, Wunderlist, Evernote are like therapy for me. My husband might not love this about me.
* My relationships over things .
* Mother to a 10 month old Labrador - who cuddles better than most humans.* Breakfast all day is a THING.
* Sources of joy on most days - iced black coffee in summers, tiramisu (made by me), sun on my face in winters, holding hands with Raghav.
* Zariin defined my twenties. I owe a lot of discipline and direction in my life to it.
* I believe that my soul is from France. My fav quote “ Il faut vivre comme on pense, sans quoi l’on finira par penser comme on a vécu..”
* Next on my bucket list - Solo Travel.* I have a lot of gratitude for this life that I get to live.